Kessel (2)Full unit name: Kessel
Last updated: 05.08.2023 17:21:49
Basic info
First appearance: A New Hope
A New Hope
Homeworld of: Energy Spider
Energy Spider
Kessel around 5 BBY
Kessel, originally known as Xo's Eye while under Xim's empire
Xim's Empire
Planetary and Sector
, was a planet located in the Kessel sector, in the Outer Rim Territories, near Hutt Space and the dangerous celestial bodies of the Maw. It was a prison world, and was home to the galaxy's largest glitterstim spice mining operation. Under Imperial rule, slave labor was in extensive use. Some time between 5BBY and 3ABY unknown cataclysm happened on Kessel, which drastically changed the planet's appearance - before the disaster it resembled a normal sphere, and after it was nothing more than a huge asteroid.


See also
Related events
Mission to Free Wookiee Prisoners
Creatures that inhabited the planet
Energy Spider
Complete list

Full unit name: Kessel Last updated: 05.08.2023 17:21:49